
  It is just extraordinary how SCOTUS can one day espouse States Rights and uphold a State that Gerrymanders it's Black Citizens into obscurity and it's Women into Health Crisis and on the very next day exert in's "National" standing and strip the States of their Power to Organize primary elections.   It must be that Women and 400 years of Slavery have "no National standing?" 
IMHO this choice is made simple by the fact that China is not only flooding the market with cheap solar panels; but doing so on the back of creating the biggest CO2 emissions on the planet.   It is not un-fair to Charge Back to the producer the pollution they create in making their product. I.E. a Tariff on Chinese import solar panels to pay for the damage China is inflicting on all of Us as a world consumer of their products. 
Written 01/31/2024 in response to Deuteronomy 20 set up as an example of God's not being merciful and laying down the Law to the Israelites about how to make room for "the alien" in their land. Which I cited in Deuteronomy 19. Peter H Zabriskie So here is a chestnut to chew on. These two back to back chapters of Deuteronomy appear to be in complete contradiction. 19 offers Mercy, 20 says slay and kill every living thing. Like so many people I thought and thought how can one book about One God be soooooo contradictory. My read on it? IMHO. When Adam realized he was being expelled from the Garden of Eden to carry on Fathering Children with Eve, who was bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh (who is your flesh of your flesh? Not your wife.) They were follow close behind by Satan, the Devil and generation after generation wrote down "The Words of God." Stop here...the Tree of Knowledge made Adam like God .... What God is being written down? IMHO BOTH GOD AND SATAN
This epiphany just in.  Why IF we are using GAZA as a "proving ground" for new tech, AND 'A Certain Ruthlessness" is what is to be expected with AI in the modern Military ...WHY are WE The People and Israel, God's People pursuing the path of Goliath? And not David?   The the 'little guy' with the smarts' and the stone, NOT the BEAST with the Heavy Hammer.
  IMHO This is a travesty of Justice and the Oath which SCOTUS swore to uphold. This denial of Affirmative Action is in Direct contravention of the Constitution and the Amendments of it which are written for restitution to the Enslaved Black African-American People. An Enslavement, discrimination, and pattern of murder which persists to this day. It is the Black Community which can show harm and there-for Standing in this Legal conflict. The Standing Mr. Blum makes that the White Community is suffering from Affirmative Action is ludicrous. Mr. Blum has brought in the Asian Community as a smoke screen to cloud his racist actions.  The Asian Community who also suffered persecution in America should fall under the rules of Affirmative Action. Yet in comparison to the Black Community even they do not have Standing to say they have suffered in the same extreme way. 
This is a hard question for Us as Christians  my revered Papa.  However the Scriptures have given us guidance in the principle Our Lord spoke, "Knock and it shall be opened, Ask and it shall be given." To the Point: Our Lord taught; "The owner of a house should not go down into the house for the furnishings in a flood!"  Also; "A Wise man builds his house on a Rock to withstand a flood, not sand." Our Lords' principle commandment is: "Love your Enemy as yourself, for even the Patrician loves his friends."   So; IF we are to move away from this, as Simon the Zealot may have wished, and raise a sword as Simon Peter did wishing to or not, THEN We are no longer wise men standing on the roof-top proclaiming the Word of Our Lord, But we are Shepherds who are acting in Defiance of Flocks' Owner and Descending into the House to retrieve the furnishings.  We have taken this act upon our souls and bare the consequence and as Scripture says," l
  A lot of The People will miss this Story. But it has huge impact. Japanese Society as a Statement of  Solidarity has proclaimed the beleaguered  Ukrainian State above it's own National Interest in this highly publicized and visual National Event.  In Nippon's extraordinarily unified social structure this deviation is Most Remarkable.  I regret that American politics will overshadow it.  This is a True Calling for Peace in the World.  John and Yoko would be crying in happiness.